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Map of theUniverse_flyer
Stars and  Constellations_2017_55x120 in
Stars at Night_2016_18 x24 inches_  wate
04 Blue Star Mandala__2016_watercolor_in
Stars at Night 3_2016_18x24  inches_mark
Heejung Kim: Map of the Universe



Heejung Kim: Map of the Universe

May 2nd – 13th, 2017
Opening Reception: 

Thursday, May 4th, 6-8PM


Paris Koh Fine Arts: 548 West 28th Street, Suite 328, New York City



Paris Koh Fine Arts, 548 West 28th Street, Suite 328, New York City is pleased to present a solo exhibition Map of the Universe: Heejung Kim. This show will run from May 2nd – 13th, 2017 with an opening reception on Thursday, May 4th from 6 to 8 pm.


Heejung Kim has a distinctive approach to the pattern of Tibetan Mandala and the symbol of Buddhism with abstract expressionist concerns. Her drawing is also engaged in an exploration of the stars. Kim liked watching the stars in the sky since she was a young child, which help develop the various repeated patterns to create certain shapes, accurate intervals, and natural colors. Both the means by which she creates and the works themselves are striking of a visual metamorphosis of form. The pattern of light and dark that is generated through these two processes radiates into achromatic color in her canvas and also has an astonishing graphic effect.


Kim’s works show sophisticated surfaces made up of elegant color-sensitivity combinations whose curves, lines, dotted patterns, and engaging arrays indicate a conspicuous way of perceiving our surroundings and speak to her lasting exploration of and attraction with the built background. Her works also describe the dynamism of sight through her art, often creating a disorienting perceptual efficacy and taking in the viewer’s eye.


Heejung Kim is an artist based in New York. She received her MFA at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, MA in Art Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, and her BFA at Duk-Sung Women’s University in Korea.  She currently lives in New York and continues her artistic journey by devoting most of her time to works as a global artist.

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